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Hi my name is Alexis Bland, and I am a sophomore at the Auto Academy.  This is my first year I joined the team. I joined the West Philly Hybrid X team, because I heard it was a good program.  I wanted to get more hands on experience, and I thought it was be really fun to be apart of history in building two hybrid cars.  Not because my boyfriend is on the team.

My auto classes are going well, and I just received a High B for the first marking period. My teacher Mr. Priess is evaluating the class on drum brakes. We just learned how to take them off and then put them back on.  I had to learn the parts as well.

Right now, our major concern along with encouraging people to donate (wink wink) we are entering the Factor Five in the Philadelphia Car Show in February.  So that means we will be with Haug, Ann, and everyone else for the next couple Saturdays.

We are also very excited to have with us on Thursday, Ms. Katherine Gajewski.  A couple of us will be speaking with her about sustainability.

Ride or Die.

