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Simon Revs up Students

Last year the EVX Team spent three days at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC. It was just us, the GT, and a couple hundd thousand science geeks.  That’s where the IEEE  interviewed Simon Hauger.


We were invited to exhibit our car at the Festival through our friends at the Conrad Foundation. The EVX Team and the Sustainability Workshop participate in the annual Spirit of Innovation Awards that the Foundation sponsors. The competition challenges high school students from around the world to use science, engineering, and entrepreneurship to solve real-world problems. We were one of the exhibitors hosted by Lockheed Martin, a Science Festival sponsor.

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) recorded a terrific interview at the Festival, and several months later traveled to the Sustainability Workshop to see Simon and the EVX Team in action. It’s a great story about how Simon is always dreaming of something big. On these long, cold winter nights we are all dreaming of our return to the racetrack. During the day we are dreaming about what the Sustainability Workshop will look like when it grows into a full high school.

Both those are so sweet. And, if you hang out with Simon and let him get you and your colleagues all revved up, they are likely to come true.