This April members of our Team traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan where we toured the National Vehicle and Fuel Emis‚Äê sions Lab. We saw the latest in hydraulic hybrid technology and learned about the EPA's Smart Way Program that encourages businesses and individuals to use the greenest ways to transport themselves and goods. We also learned how the EPA establishes fuel economy and evaluates vehicle emissions, both important to the Hybrid X Team as we build our entries for the Progressive Automotive X Prize. While we were in Michigan, we also met with the President and CEO of Ford Global Technologies.
The EPA grant has also supported an environmental education program for students at the Auto Academy through the work of the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education (SCEE). SCEE has provided training on vehicle emissions, climate change and alternative energy generation.
Partners like the EPA, SCEE and Philadelphia Academies, Inc. are helping us achieve our goal of winning the Progressive Automotive X Prize.